
“Rose Colored Glasses” a 90 minute film about the life of Nick Treadwell by Sonia Suvagau will have it`s premier at the Vancouver Documentary Film Festival on May 8th 2013

83986d06606d3e6f019acc9e24ab2b07 Rose Colored Glasses a 90 minute film about the life of Nick Treadwell by Sonia Suvagau will have it`s premier at the Vancouver Documentary Film Festival on May 8th 2013

A still from Sonia Suvagau`s “Rose Colored Glasses”

The website header.

I would like to remind website visitors that the website header,”The Very Last Pink Supper” is by the Viennese photographer, Lukas M. Hueller, costume and makeup by Julian R. Hauser. Lukas is Judas, I am Jesus and the eleven apostles.

In Virgilius Moldovan’s Studio with one of the Sculptures from the “Monumental” Exhibition

a712df81b3cfee82083193a1dde331c0 In Virgilius Moldovans Studio with one of the Sculptures from the Monumental Exhibition

“MONUMENTAL” The Naked Sculptures of Virgilius Moldovan at the Tabakfabrik Linz Opening Tuesday 30th October from 19.00 Hrs. (A Tabakfabrik Linz and Treadwell Gallery Presentation)

“Optimistically Yours” – The Treadwell Gallery Troupe presents an evening of Music and Ridiculous Theatre on Saturday 4th August from 1900 Hrs. Gallery open from 1900-2030 hrs. Cafe and Bar from 1900 hrs till late.

“Arthur” by Virgilius Moldovan 2011 36x26x30cms Silicone/Pigment. Included in the Current International Exhibition

c4efea9cea1b77d43bc918ba834264f1 Arthur by Virgilius Moldovan 2011 36x26x30cms  Silicone/Pigment. Included in the Current International Exhibition

New International Art Exhibition with works by Jann Haworth, Saskia de Boer, Liz Atkin, Kevin Harrison, Virgilius Moldovan, Alun Jury, Alan Russell-Cowan, John Ledger. Opening Sunday 13th May from 1500 Uhr. Continues till June 24th

“Top of the World” by Kevin Harrison 2009 178x78x84cms Painted Wood/Steel
ab7f2a3b7eb084e5f15f5fa814f4d588 New International Art Exhibition with works by Jann Haworth, Saskia de Boer, Liz Atkin, Kevin Harrison, Virgilius Moldovan, Alun Jury, Alan Russell Cowan, John Ledger. Opening Sunday 13th May from 1500 Uhr. Continues till June 24th

TREADWELL GALLERY Presents Drawings by LIZ ATKIN and Sculpture by KEVIN HARRISON in LINZ

Opening at 1900 Uhr

13a47f735c9ef1dfd59f6cf2bf9998b5 TREADWELL GALLERY Presents Drawings by LIZ ATKIN and Sculpture by KEVIN HARRISON in LINZ

"Bar Flies" by Kevin Harrison 2011

on Thursday, February 2nd at Club Galerie der Ernst Koref Stiftung, Landstrasse, 31/1 stock, 4020 LINZ


2532ddd7f9ab5cf8e97920e759dbb823 TREADWELL COLLECTION   NEW ACQUISITIONS

"Speaking with Monsters" by Linda Downie 2011 60x76cms Oil on Canvas


e2cc2778e596a5f92c1a35f3f33e68bb TREADWELL COLLECTION   NEW ACQUISITIONS

"Saint Sydney, Half Hanging Out of Heaven" by Liz Atkin 1988 102 x 183 cms Pencil Drawing.